Saturday, September 29, 2007

Trevo's B-Day

Trevo had a birthday recently!

20 years old this year. We had a dinner/party/thing. yea it was fun. We went to a little BBQ house in Sugar House. I got the Ribs and 1/4 of a chicken, yea...1/4. It was very good and there BBQ sauce, MMMMMMMMM Good. We then came back to the house and opened presents.

First!... He starts with the card from Steen.

Then...Reads the Card...(Steen likes what she wrote)

Then... He Opens his Black Box.

Later.... He Got the DVD's he wanted.

After that... he got a new Shirt....yay.

Trevo Got his Book.

Trevo then realized... he likes his Book.

That's not going wh........Yep its there.

Trevo thanks Steen for her thoughts and gifts.

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